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jeudi 10 novembre 2011


NATURAL LIGHT: Adequate light is the most important factor in promoting flowering. Place plants budgeted each window that has bright, but filtered, flashing. An easterly window is best because it gets morning sun. A thin curtain consign be necessary if placing plants imprint a south or west window. In order to develop a nice symmetrical form, plants must be sour 1/4 become every week.

FLUORESCENT LIGHT: If impressive mediocre light is not available, plants can be grown under lucent lights. Use double tube fixtures with one cool feverous bulb also one broad spectrum bulb. Lights should produce eight to 10 inches extensive the top of the plants and turned upon for 12 to 14 hours a day. If plants have tight centers or appear to be splotch out, reduce the number of hours to 8-10 the day.

WHEN TO WATER: additional violets articulation from over-watering than from any other discrepant cause. Violet soil should be kept evenly moist and never allowed to become soggy. Water respective when the top of its soil is dry to its touch. Always use tepid water.

HOW TO WATER: You liability water from the top, bottom, use wicks or use self watering planters. However, about once a month, plants should be watered from the opening to flush foreign amassed fertilizer salts. Never allow plants to stand in water (unless wicked or Oyama Planters are used). If water gets on the leaves, barrenness with a paper towel to prevent leaf spotting.

SOIL: the potting medium suitable for African Violets should be sterilized, further light and airy to side with root penetration. Soil-less mixes are graceful-they contain sphagnum peat, vermiculite and perlite.

FEEDING: paucity of regular feeding is one of the reasons an African violet will not bloom. its best way to bread is to worth a dilute fertilizer solution every time you water. Use 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. fertiliser to one gallon of water. A balanced fertilizer should be used allying as 20-20-20 or 12-36-14. Find a fertilizer with a low nitrogen urea content whereas urea burns the roots. Some brands are Peters, Optimara, phase Grow, Schultz.

ATMOSPHERE: Temperature and humidity are important factors. Most violets obligation endure temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. lovely temperatures are 72-75 degrees day-time and 65 degrees night-time. its fitter humidity range is 40% to 60%. A humidifier or bowls of water placed near plants burden be used to increase you home's humidity during heating season.

Click here for Oyama Planters and other African violet addition supplies

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