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vendredi 15 juillet 2011


deadheading, dead, heading, blooms, flowers

"Off with her head" the queen recited at Alice in the Lewis Carroll story "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Now I'm not sure if Lewis had an interest in gardening but he could well have been giving us some horticultural direction which will give us a longer flowering season. There is a technique known as dead-heading, it is a simple task which takes a few annual however adds days and infrequently weeks to your unfolding display.

How to dead-head

If you've never dead-headed before here's how go about it Firstly keep a watchful eye upon your flowering plants, paying close advisement to blooms that are foregone their best. Once a effloresce has started to fade remove it from the plant plant the quick clip from your secateurs, alternatively knip it bump off with your thumb and forefinger. When doing this try to remove correct the spent flower leave-taking the new buds beneath intact.

The many benefits

Your beds and borders now gawk neater useful to its lack of fading blooms but how else has this deadheading functioning helped us? well by getting the spent corsage i have prevented the plant from setting seed which if it did would trigger the production of a hormone which causes flowering to shut down completely. accordingly through our slight tinkering with Mother Nature we can often force the plant to put its energies into a second flush of flower production instead of seed production. move in mind that your planting should regard a plentiful supply of nutrients to give a secondary flowering.

Plants that respond well to dead-heading

Dead-heading works particularly well upon perennials and conspicuously annual bedding especially Antirrhinums (Snapdragons), Violas (Pansies) and Dianthus (Sweet Williams) nonetheless it contract infrequently be impossible to carry out on very small corsage or on very large and floriferous shrubs. Shrubs which react efficiently to dead-heading include Buddleia (Butterfly bush), Syringa (Lilac) and some Spireas. Roses of course are ideal candidates for this technique to ensure fresh blooms before the rose-hips form.Original Source:

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